Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Drupal 7 Modules

Anyone who uses Drupal to actually do something useful will end up using a variety of modules.  Modules are used to extend the functionality of a web site any number of ways.  The ones I've tended to use include:

  • auto_nodetitle
  • autoassignrole 
  • captcha 
  • content_complete 
  • content_profile 
  • ctools 
  • devel 
  • masquerade 
  • panels 
  • rules 

So, I thought it would be interesting to go through these at this point and see how many are now Drupal 7 friendly.

  • auto_nodetitle - Alpha
  • autoassignrole - Dev
  • captcha - Alpha
  • content_complete - Dev
  • content_profile - Not available.
  • ctools - Alpha
  • devel - Release 1.0
  • masquerade - rc1
  • panels - Alpha 2
  • rules - Alpha 4

So there you have it.  Many of the modules I depend on are in-fact available but they are in Development or Alpha states.

My advice.  If you are new to Drupal and trying to build a useful web site, for the short term you should remain on Drupal 6.  If you don't and try to use Drupal 7 with common modules, you'll end up pulling your hair out trying to debug modules that work perfectly in Drupal 6 today.